No. 19 Dauphine St., Saturday night, December 31st, 1864. One year ago, in my little room in the Camp Street house, I sat shivering over Tennyson and my desk, selfishly rejoicing over the departure of a year that had brought pain and discomfort only to me, and eagerly welcoming the dawning of the New One [...]
December 31st. This is the last day of the year. All is quiet at our camp on this high hill. Not very much snow or real cold weather. We manage to keep comfortable. At our reserve picket post we have built a large inclosure, made of logs and dirt, surrounded by small evergreen trees, a [...]
Guerrilla warfare in the American Civil War followed the same general patterns of irregular warfare conducted in 19th century Europe. Structurally, they can be divided into three different types of operations: the so-called ‘people’s war’, ‘partisan warfare’, and ‘raiding warfare’. Each had distinct characteristics that were common practice during the Civil War (1861–1865).
31st. Split logs and laid them up nearly high enough for comfort. Mustered. Very disagreeable morning. Pleasanter in the P. M. Cold night. Home letter. Upon the fly-leaves of the little 1864 war diary book are the following quotations from Dante’s Divine Comedy. The Cary translation was used. My references as to pages are to [...]
December 31st.–The last day of the year. Snowing and wet. Gen. H. Cobb writes that the existing Conscription Bureau is a failure so far as Georgia, Alabama, etc. are concerned, and can never put the men in the field. Wm. Johnston, president of the Charlotte (N. C.) and South Carolina Railroad, suggests the construction, immediately, [...]
Saturday, 31st–Still in camp and on short rations at that, the quartermaster having cut us down to one-half rations. We cannot understand why this should be, though there must be a good reason for the order. The fire department of the city came out this morning for inspection by General Sherman, and made a fine [...]
Dec. 20—Go to my Regiment near Petersburg. Dec. 21—Very rainy. Dec. 22—Our Division is ordered off. Dec. 23—Capt. Ardry and myself still in camp with the baggage. Both unwell. Dec. 24—Division returns late to camp. Sunday, Dec. 25—I preach from the song of the angels, “Glory to God, in the highest!” This was the last [...]