December 16th.–Clear and pleasant; subsequently cloudy and chilly. All quiet below, save the occasional booming of our guns from the iron-clads. The capture of Fort McAlister, Savannah, has caused a painful sensation. It is believed we have as many men on the Georgia coast as the enemy; but they are not the men of property–men [...]
16th. Got news of Thomas’ attack on Hood’s flank. Great rejoicing in infantry.
Friday, 16th.—This morning Brigade formed in line near where we were. I went to infirmary and was excused from duty. Brigade fortifying. 7. A. M., Heavy cannonading began and continued until 12 M. Federals charged right wing, but were held back. 3 P. M., Heavy fighting all round the line. 4 P. M., lines broken; [...]
December 16th, 1864.—We have had company today, ladies from town to spend the day. I have listened to many a bit of gossip and heard some laughable incidents related. Life is a complex problem; it is like a kaleidoscope in its changing scenes. On one side all is gay and bright and on the other, [...]
Friday, 16th–Left this morning at 8 o’clock for King’s bridge over the Ogeechee river at a point fifteen miles from Savannah, where we again went into camp. All the torpedoes having been removed from the river, small boats can now come up to the bridge and land. Two boats came up with mail and some [...]