December 15th.–Cloudy and cool. A dispatch from the West states that the enemy have made a heavy raid from Bean’s Station, Ky., cutting the railroad between Abingdon and Bristol, destroying government stores, engines, etc. Breckinridge and Vaughan, I suppose, have been ordered away. Dr. Morris, Telegraph Superintendent, wants to know of the Secretary if this [...]
Before Savannah, December 15, 1864. First mail goes in 15 minutes. Our 2d Division charged and took Fort McAlister, at sunset, the 13th—19 guns and 300 prisoners; lost 92 men killed and wounded. We will have Savannah, sure.
15th. Got horses shod. Cloudy. Saw F. again in my dreams. I wish I could be rid of this thought about such things. Could never live at home. Am better off here than I would be there.
Thursday, 15th.—Cannonading all around the lines. 2 P. M., heavy fighting on the left, which continued until night. Stewart’s Corps flanked and had to fall back, loosing some artillery. Brigade moved to left; being sick, was left in camp with several others. In short time, orders came for sick to move back, as left wing [...]
Thursday, 15th–The weather is fine—days warm and pleasant and nights cool. The Thirty-second Illinois arrived in camp at 11 o’clock with sweet potatoes, fresh pork and corn for our brigade. We are still lying in camp without rations. We had company inspection and drill for the recruits. The First Division of the Fifteenth Corps advanced [...]