December 9th.–Cold and cloudy; surface of the ground frozen. Cannon heard below. More of Gen. Early’s corps arriving. The papers contradict the report that Howlett’s Battery has been taken. The opinion prevails that a battle will occur to-day. It appears that but few of the enemy’s forces were engaged in the demonstration on the south [...]
Same place, December 9, 1864. The division lay in camp all day. Our regiment marched 12 miles on a reconnoisance, toward the Canoochie river, southwest.. Found nothing, but some good foraging. Cannonading at four or five different points, on our left and front. Citizens say the most distant is at Charleston, Savannah and Fort McAlister. [...]
9th. Friday. In camp. Wrote to cousin Sarah in answer to letter received today. Drilled 3rd Batt. in rear formation.
Friday, 9th.—All quiet yesterday. Sleeting and snowing all day; went to picket late in the evening. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
December 9th, 1864.—The poor, sick prisoner is sick and in prison no longer. He died this morning, died happy, too, for Mr. Craig, who sat up with him last night, says he could not see any harm in telling him the papers had come and now he was going home. He was so happy and [...]
Friday, 9th–It is cloudy with a strong northeast wind. We started early again this morning and after laying off ten miles went into bivouac. The Twenty-fifth New Jersey was on the skirmish line today, skirmishing commencing at 10 o’clock and continuing till dark. They lost four men killed and fifteen wounded. The First Division of [...]