December 8th.–Rained hard in the night; clear and pleasant in the morning. A letter from John T. Bourne, St. Georges, Bermuda, says he has some 1800 barrels government gunpowder under his care, of which be desires to be relieved. Gen. Lee sent to the Secretary the following dispatch this morning: “2d and 5th corps, Gregg’s [...]
8th. Thursday. Relieved in good season.
Five miles from James’ Point, Canoochie River, December 8, 1864. Another “Shermanism.” Our 3d and 4th Divisions crossed the Ogeechee river yesterday at Eden. We all supposed that we would follow, this morning, but here we are after 18 miles hard marching. The 2d Division is ahead of us and part of it at the [...]
Washington Dec 8th 1864 Congress is in Session. The long looked for Message was sent in the next day the 6th and the Reports of the Secretaries have been published. Mr Lincoln does not express any hope for immediate Peace. He says when the Rebels cease fighting the War will cease. “Lay down your Arms” [...]
Thursday, 8th–We left bivouac at 8 o’clock this morning, but owing to the roads, we moved very slowly, making only twelve miles before going into camp. Just before our regiment started into bivouac, we were ordered to stack arms and help our teams across a narrow swamp. We went about a half mile for rails, [...]