Sunday, December 4th.–Bright, clear, and warm. A dispatch from Gen. Bragg. “Augusta, December 3d, 6 P.M.– A strong force of the enemy’s cavalry and infantry advanced from Louisville and encamped last night six miles from Waynesborough. They turned off this morning toward Savannah. Our cavalry is pressing in the rear, and all available means is [...]
December 4, Sunday.—We attended this evening the funeral of Colonel Angus W. McDonald, the relative of Mr. –– . His is a sad story. He was educated at West Point, but in early life resigned his position in the regular army and joined a company of fur traders, went with them to the Rocky Mountains, [...]
Sunday, 4th.—To-day we had the same old ridiculous stories about Confederate victories almost everywhere. No doubt but a battle is soon to be fought, and these stories are invented for a purpose. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
4th. Sunday. Wrote several letters and read. Heard a sermon at Brigade Hdqrs.
Dec 4th 1864 (Sunday) The weather has been warm and pleasant for some ten days past, it has been “Indian Summer” with a soft balmy air and smokey atmosphere, the pleasantest days of the year. Today it has been delightful. I went to the 4½ Street Church, the 1st Pres[byterian] (Doct Sunderlands) to hear the [...]
December 4, 1864. Got on the road before day-light and made 16 miles easily by 3:30 p.m. Good road, many fine places, and excellent forage, from 75 to 500 bushels of sweet potatoes on a farm. Heard cannonading for two hours this morning. Think it must have been in the vicinity of the 20th Corps. [...]
Sunday, 4th–Rain last night. The First and Third Divisions and the First Brigade of the Fourth Division destroyed the railroad this forenoon for a distance of ten miles. The Iowa Brigade acted as train guard. We covered fifteen miles today and went into bivouac near Cameron Station. For the last two or three days, we [...]