Wednesday, 30th.—Federals all gone this morning. Left Columbia at 2 P. M., at Spring Hill at dark. Heavy fighting at Franklin. Confederate loss very heavy. Brigade halted at 9 P. M.; short- time ordered on again; after moving two or three miles, halted again, but in an hour had to move again. (Note: picture is [...]
Tuesday, 29th–We left bivouac at 8 a. m. and marched twenty miles today, going into camp about dark. The Eleventh Iowa acted as rear guard. We had good roads, there being no hills. The country is very flat and heavily timbered and the soil is sandy, mixed with clay. We are on two-fifths rations now, [...]
November 29th.–Clear, and warm as summer almost. Another dispatch from Bragg: “Augusta, November 28th, 1864.–On the 26th instant, the enemy started a heavy cavalry force in this direction, from his main body near Sandersville; Gen. Wheeler promptly following, leaving a portion of his force to confront Sherman. Kilpatrick reached vicinity of Waynesborough yesterday, where Wheeler [...]
29th. Tuesday. Crossed the Big North at Cold Springs Gap. Passed through Wardensville and got dinner and fed. Co. “C.” eight men. Very disagreeable march last night. Beautiful day, mild and delightful. Am happy as a lark in the sunshine. Enemy reported at Moorfield. Went on after half an hour’s rest. God grant us success [...]
Ten miles south of Sevastopol, November 29, 1864. All day in an awful pine forest, hardly broken by fence or clearing. I never saw such a lonesome place. Not a bird, not a sign of animal life, but the shrill notes of the tree frog. Not a twig of undergrowth, and no vegetable life but [...]