Friday, 25th–Our brigade marched out early this morning and relieved the First Brigade at the railroad bridge across the Oconee river, the rebels being just beyond. We burned the bridge and after waiting there a short time, got orders to march back to Toomsboro, which place we reached by 7 p. m. From there we [...]
November 25th.–Bright and frosty. A report from the Bureau of Conscription shows after all that only some 3000 men have been sent to the army during the last two months, under General Order 77, revoking details, etc. I don’t wonder, for there has been the natural confusion consequent upon a conflict of authority between Gen. [...]
25th. Friday. Thanksgiving chickens for dinner. Wrote to Mrs. Beers. Forage caps issued. Considerable dissatisfaction among the boys. Band played some time.
Friday, 25th.—Reported Yanks have evacuated Pulaski. Passed Mount Pleasant, Maury County; very nice country. About 20,000 Yanks at Columbia. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Near Ball’s Ferry, Oconee River, November 25, 1864. Got off at daylight; made some eight miles, formed in a line in a field. “Halt!” “Cover!” “Front!” “Stack arms!” Now men get rails and fix for the night. So we think we have plenty of time and make our motions accordingly. We had just got our [...]