Tuesday, 8th–Still in camp. Some rain today. Ten train loads of army supplies left for the North. A great many refugees are being sent north, as it will be impossible for them to make a living down here during the coming winter. This is election day and everything is very quiet in camp, as political [...]
November 8th. This is the great day, election taking place. We are under orders to respond if wanted.
November 8th.–Wet and warm; all quiet below, and much mud there. Congress assembled yesterday, and the President’s message was read. He recommends the employment of 40,000 slaves in the army, not as soldiers, unless in the last extremity; and after the war he proposes their emancipation. This is supposed to be the idea of Mr. [...]
8th. Tuesday. The decisive day of the nation. If the cause of the Union prevails today, liberty and union will be ours forever. God grant the right success. Ordered into camp. Moved back through Newtown. Rosser reported prowling about. Voted. 201 for Lincoln, 4 for McClellan. Glorious for the 2nd Ohio.
November 8, 1864. To-day will probably decide the fate of the Confederacy. If Lincoln is reelected I think our fate is a hard one, but we are in the hands of a merciful God, and if He sees that we are in the wrong, I trust that He will show it unto us. I have [...]