November 2024

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.
A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

November 30th.–Clear, and warm as summer. No fires. It is reported that Gen. Hood is still marching North, and is near Nashville. The following telegrams were received this morning: “Augusta, November 29th, 1864.–It is reported, via Savannah, the enemy, with infantry and artillery, entered Millen yesterday. Wheeler is rapidly pursuing Kilpatrick, who retreats in that [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

November 30th. Very busy since the last date. Preparing to keep comfortable for the coming cold weather. A steam sawmill near town, where we can buy lumber to make our shacks. The government only furnishes tents, so we have to chip in and buy the boards. Our quarters are six feet wide, nine feet long. [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

30th. Wednesday. Up at 4 and on the road at 5. The most beautiful sunrise from the vast height. A grand view of mountains stretching away for miles in all directions. 2nd Ohio in advance. Reached Moorfield at 10 A. M. Remained till 2 P. M. Returned via northwestern grade. Camped 13 miles from M. [...]

“…he would rather be shot than take up arms against the United States.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

Eight miles east of Summerville, November 30, 1864. Passed through the above named town this morning. All pine woods again to-day. Stopped at the first house I came to this morning and asked the resident, an ashcolored negress, something about the country. She said she’d had the chills and fever so long she didn’t know [...]

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.
A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

November 29th.–Clear, and warm as summer almost. Another dispatch from Bragg: “Augusta, November 28th, 1864.–On the 26th instant, the enemy started a heavy cavalry force in this direction, from his main body near Sandersville; Gen. Wheeler promptly following, leaving a portion of his force to confront Sherman. Kilpatrick reached vicinity of Waynesborough yesterday, where Wheeler [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

29th. Tuesday. Crossed the Big North at Cold Springs Gap. Passed through Wardensville and got dinner and fed. Co. “C.” eight men. Very disagreeable march last night. Beautiful day, mild and delightful. Am happy as a lark in the sunshine. Enemy reported at Moorfield. Went on after half an hour’s rest. God grant us success [...]

J.B. Jones mentions graves of 12,000 Federal prisoners at Andersonville. – A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.
A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

November 28th.–Calm and warm; clouds and sunshine, without wind. All quiet below. It is reported that one of our picket boats in the James River deserted last night. It is said the crew overpowered the officers and put them ashore, and then the boat rowed down to the enemy. I am informed by Capt. Warner [...]

“We have lost nearly all of our men, and we have no money, and it looks as if we had taught the Yankees how to fight…”—A Diary From Dixie.

A Diary From Dixie by Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut.

November 28th.—We dined at Mrs. McCord’s. She is as strong a cordial for broken spirits and failing heart as one could wish. How her strength contrasts with our weakness. Like Doctor Palmer, she strings one up to bear bravely the worst. She has the intellect of a man and the perseverance and endurance of a [...]

A Diary From Dixie.

A Diary From Dixie by Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut.

November 25th.–Sherman is thundering at Augusta’s very doors. My General was on the wing, somber, and full of care. The girls are merry enough; the staff, who fairly live here, no better. Cassandra, with a black shawl over her head, is chased by the gay crew from sofa to sofa, for she avoids them, being [...]

“I think the division has been lost nearly all day.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

Old Indian Battle Ground, near Drummond, November 28, 1864. Made a dozen miles to-day through the thickest pine woods I ever saw. There is no white or yellow pine here; it is all pitch. I think the division has been lost nearly all day. We have followed old Indian trails four-fifths of the time. The [...]