Monday, 24th.—Crossed Sand Mountain at the summit; crossed the road we travelled going to Vicksburg with the wagon trains. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Robert M. McGill
October 24, 2024 0 comments
Monday, 24th.—Crossed Sand Mountain at the summit; crossed the road we travelled going to Vicksburg with the wagon trains. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Monday, 24th–Still lying in camp and all is quiet at the front. Large foraging parties are being sent out for food for the men and feed for the horses and mules. The valleys in this part of the country are thickly settled, but not more than half of the plantations have been cultivated this past [...]
24th. Monday. Rode to several Hdqrs. with Adj. Pike. Watson and Pearson mustered out. Read papers and letter from home.
Eight miles southeast of last night’s camp, October 24, 1864. With five brigades of our corps started at 3.30 p.m. to look after Rebels reported. Came through a little hamlet called Blue Pond from a little lake in the neighborhood of a dirty mud color. Plenty of milk and honey.
October 24th.–Clouds and sunshine. Nothing new of importance from the army. Gov. Smith has been writing letters to Gen. Lee, asking that Gen. Early be superseded in the Valley. Pity it had not been done! Gen. Lee replied, expressing confidence in Early; and the President (since the disaster!) coincides with Lee. The President administers a [...]
Circular.] …..Headquarters First Army Corps1 Near Richmond, Va., October 20, 1864. …..The attention of the lieutenant-general commanding has been directed to the large number of irresponsible parties wandering about the rear and flanks of the Federal army, who claim to be scouts of the Army of Northern Virginia. They do us no good, but by [...]