October 23d. Our regular routine is kept up day after day. A part of the duty of a soldier and laboring man. Everything quiet in this vicinity except reports that come to us about the guerillas. Don’t think they care to come near infantry.
Sunday, 23d–The weather is getting pretty cool mornings, but we have plenty of wood to build fires in front of our shacks. All is quiet in the front. I was relieved from picket this morning. We had company inspection this evening.
23rd. Sunday. Rode to Army Hdqrs. and to fortifications. Artillery parked near Hdqrs. Read Independents. Splendid sermon by Rev. R. W. Hitchcock. “Blessed be the Lord who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight.”
October 23, 1864. A day of rest and washing. The cavalry was out some dozen miles southwest, and report the enemy intrenched and in force.
Sunday, October 23d.–Bright and frosty. From the United States papers we learn that a great victory is claimed over Gen. Early, with the capture of forty-three guns! It is also stated that a party of “Copperheads” (Democrats), who had taken refuge in Canada, have made a raid into Vermont, and robbed some of the banks [...]