Tuesday, 18th.—Passed through Broom Town; crossed the Alabama line and camped at Waterloo Springs. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Robert M. McGill
October 18, 2024 0 comments
Tuesday, 18th.—Passed through Broom Town; crossed the Alabama line and camped at Waterloo Springs. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
October 18th. All quiet since the last date. Nothing special to record. Our regular routine has been going on through the days, picket and labor. When time permits we have to drill and have dress parade. Sunday morning inspection comes regular.
Tuesday, 18th–We started early this morning and reached Lafayette at 9 o’clock. We lay there for two hours when we took up our march for Summerville, Georgia, and went into bivouac within four miles of the town. The rebels are still moving to the north through the Blue mountains. We had two days’ rations left [...]
18th. Tuesday. All quiet. 2nd Ohio returned.
La Fayette, October 18, 1864. Our brigade was marching through Cane Creek Valley yesterday until 4 p.m., when we struck out for this place five miles, which we made in one and one-half hours. Nice little town almost surrounded with half-mountains. There has been a pair of cavalry fights here, the fruits whereof can be [...]
October 18th.–Cloudy and cool. Quiet below, but it is rumored that the enemy has erected one or two sand batteries, mounted with 400-pounders, bearing on our fleet of gun-boats. The following dispatch was received from Gen. Hood to-day: “9 Miles South of Lafayette, Ga., “Oct. 15th, via Selma, Oct. 17th, 1864. “Gen. Bragg. “This army [...]
October 18th.–Ten pleasant days I owe to my sister. Kate has descended upon me unexpectedly from the mountains of Flat Rock. We are true sisters; she understands me without words, and she is the cleverest, sweetest woman I know, so graceful and gracious in manner, so good and unselfish in character, but, best of all, [...]