Tuesday, 11th.—Marched to Lowry’s Chapel eighteen miles from Resacca. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Robert M. McGill
October 11, 2024 0 comments
Tuesday, 11th.—Marched to Lowry’s Chapel eighteen miles from Resacca. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Tuesday, 11th–The weather has been cool and pleasant for several days. Our entire corps started early this morning at 2 o’clock, going as we suppose, to Kingston. We marched through to Cartersville, where we went into camp for the night. We hear that there was a hard fight at Altoona yesterday with fearful loss of [...]
Allatoona Pass, October 11, 1864. Our corps moved at the setting of the sun, and continued moving until we were all confoundedly tired. I never saw the men so noisy, funny, or in any way or every way feeling half so good. After we had marched about eight miles, one of Howard’s staff came back [...]
11th. Tuesday. In camp till 4 P. M. Moved to position on Cedar Creek, passing Fisher’s Hill, via Pike and Strasburg. Camped near Middletown.
October 11th.–Bright and pleasant. All is quiet below. From Georgia we have many rumors. It is reported that a battle has been fought (second time) at Altoona, which we captured, with 4000 prisoners; that Rome has been taken, with 3000 negro prisoners; and, finally, that we have Atlanta again. I have seen no such dispatches. [...]
Oct. 1, 1864—Move through rain and mud and camp three miles beyond New Hope. Oct. 2—I preach in a. m. Brother Power preaches at night. Oct. 6—Ride to Waynesboro. Spend night at Hospital of 2nd Corps. Oct 6—Go to Richmond. Oct. 7—In the City. Very busy. Oct. 8—Train late. Spend night at Mr. Goodwin’s in [...]
Washington Oct 11th 1864 The State Election in P.a. Ohio & Indiana “comes off” today and excite much interest as the result in those States will indicate pretty surely what will be the result there in Nov. I have been down to the Republican Head Qrs on 9th St but no news had been rcd [...]