October 2d.—Marched thirteen miles and camped twelve miles west of Marietta. Reported Rebs have cut railroad. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Robert M. McGill
October 2, 2024 0 comments
October 2d.—Marched thirteen miles and camped twelve miles west of Marietta. Reported Rebs have cut railroad. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Sunday, 2d–We started again early this morning, and after marching about six miles, came upon the rebels’ rear guard. We did some skirmishing with them and chased them about two miles, when we let them go and started back to Atlanta. The rebels tore up a portion of the railroad track between Marietta and Acworth, [...]
2nd. Sunday. Changed camp. Not unsaddled before enemy came up and charged pickets through town. 2nd N. Y. and 18th P. V. charged back, driving rebs over abutments into the river. Moved back near Dayton.
October 2d–Cloudy and calm. All quiet. It was a false alarm yesterday evening. Nothing but some of the enemy’s cavalry scouts were seen from the intermediate batteries, and it was merely a waste of ammunition on our part, and destruction of timber where the enemy were partially sheltered. Not a gun, so far as I [...]