Monday, 19th.—Marched seventeen miles and camped four miles from Palmetto. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Robert M. McGill
September 19, 2024 0 comments
Monday, 19th.—Marched seventeen miles and camped four miles from Palmetto. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
September 19th. Roused up at daylight by heavy cannonading in the direction of Winchester. The battle was on. Those of us who were off duty, with some of the towns-people, went to the top of a high hill to listen to the roar of musketry and the field guns. It was something frightful as it [...]
Monday, 19th–The sick in the hospitals are getting along well. Part of the men here received two months’ pay today, $32.00. The pay of soldiers has been raised to $16.00 per month since May 1, 1864.[1] [1] The $32.00 I received was the first pay I got since leaving Davenport on Sunday, April 24, 1864.—A. [...]
(Battle of Winchester) 19th. Monday. Moved at 2 A. M. Slept with Houghton. Reached the Opequon about daylight, 2nd N. Y. charging. After this, constant charging till we drove a rebel brigade of infantry from fortified position. Very hard fighting. Gen. McIntosh always in the van. When Gen. Sheridan came up he patted Mc. on [...]
SEPTEMBER 19TH.—Clear and pleasant. We have nothing yet explanatory of the shelling yesterday. To-day we have news of an expedition of the enemy crossing Rapidan Bridge on the way toward Gordonsville, Charlottesville, etc. Gen. Anderson’s division, from Early’s army, is said to be marching after them. We shall learn more of this business very soon. [...]
September 19th.–My pink silk dress I have sold for $600, to be paid for in instalments, two hundred a month for three months. And I sell my eggs and butter from home for two hundred dollars a month. Does it not sound well –four hundred dollars a month regularly. But in what? In Confederate money. [...]
Sept. 19—Engage the enemy fiercely near Winchester and drive them, and they drive us. Gen. Rodes killed. Went into private house to see his body after he was brought into Winchester. His wife had spent some time in camp during preceding winter. We fall back to Strasburg, marching all night. Riding alone and very sad, [...]