Monday, September 2, 2024

Robert M. McGill


Friday, 2d.—Atlanta has fallen. Started back at daylight in direction of McDonough. Reported Federals charged Hardee’s Corps yesterday, but were driven back at first, but finally massed heavy force in front of Govan’s Brigade, and, after desperate fighting, took part of the works and captured General Govan and good portion of his brigade. (Note: picture [...]

Robert M. Magill – Personal Reminiscences of a Confederate Soldier Boy, 39th Georgia Regiment of Infantry


Charles Lynch

September 2nd. A very pleasant morning. Now wondering why we still remain in the woods. Believe the enemy must be in this vicinity in a strong force. Wrote several letters to friends at home. Later a surprise came when orders came to fall in for pay, the Paymaster having shown up in our camp. Too [...]

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

“One can’t help pitying these Rebel soldiers. They have been whipped here until they have lost all spirit.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.


Six miles south of Jonesboro, September 2, 1864. At daylight our skirmish line moved forward and found the Rebels gone. When our boys reached the railroad a train of cars was just loading some wounded; the boys made for it, but it outran them. They left a number of their wounded, and when the 14th [...]

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

Diary of David L. Day.


The following diary entry contains wording that is offensive to many in the world of today. However, the entry is provided unedited for its historical content and context. I Rejoin My Regiment. Sept. 2. About a week ago my brigade, Gen. Stannard commanding, left the trenches and was ordered into camp at Cobb’s Hill; all [...]

David L Day – My diary of rambles with the 25th Mass

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Meta Morris Grimball

Sep 2d        My mind is constantly dwelling on William’s life, his earnest, serious manner when a very little child, we were all riding together & the other boys made so much noise that W. knelt down and said his prayers, which surprised them so much they became quiet.—One day he said to me “Ma don’t [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

No news from any point today


September, Friday 2, 1864 Today has been one of the warmest I ever experienced—Lou and I buisy sewing on her dress—I finished the waiste , Lizzie the skirt and I think we will finish it tomorrow— No news from any point today—Mary Lou joined Lou to entertain relations, Mrs. Reynolds & Mrs. Johnson went to [...]

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

A Diary From Dixie.


September 2d.–The battle has been raging at Atlanta,[1] and our fate hanging in the balance. Atlanta, indeed, is gone. Well, that agony is over. Like David, when the child was dead, I will get up from my knees, will wash my face and comb my hair. No hope; we will try to have no fear. [...]

A Diary From Dixie by Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut.