August 2024


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 28th. Left Halltown and the earthworks very early this morning, following on after the rebel hordes who are under the command of General Jubal Early. We are pleased to be under the command of the Gallant Phil Sheridan. There will come a time when he will grab Early by the neck, we believe. Came [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 27th. Came off picket duty very early this morning. It was discovered that the enemy was on the march southward. Some of our boys having recovered from wounds and sickness, returned today for duty. Some have died, others discharged from the service. Owing to the severe duty our regiment is greatly reduced in numbers. [...]

Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

Meta Morris Grimball
Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

27 August        It is just a month since my dear William was taken from us & each day seems but to add to the sense of the berevement. God’s will be done, and may he sanctify to us this dispensation. It will certainly wean our hearts from the world, for by him, & through him [...]

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.
A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

AUGUST 27th.—Bright morning, and fine shower last night. The people are smiling to-day from our success of Thursday, announced in the following dispatch from Gen. Lee: “HEADQUARTERS ARMY NORTHERN VIRGINIA, “August 26th, 1864. ———“HON. J. A. SEDDON, SECRETARY OF WAR. ———“General A. P. Hill attacked the enemy in his intrenchments at Reams’s Station yesterday evening, [...]

Diary of Belle Edmondson

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

August, Saturday 27, 1864 I began on the hat immediately after breakfast, succeeded in forming a very nice brim, and Mrs. Reynolds was pleased, I do not think I was cut out for a Miliner or hat maker. Poor Lou, is loosing all her hair, and it really distresses me, I wish I could remedy [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 26th. This morning finds us still in line at Halltown. A large force of skirmishers ordered outside the rifle pits. Must charge on the enemy, drive them back. The enemy in strong force, well posted. The skirmish was hot while it lasted. A number of our boys were wounded, carried inside our lines. Late [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 25th. Last night, under cover of darkness, a detail was made, about twenty men, ordered to advance and intrench, to try and dislodge the enemy’s sharpshooters who were up in high trees and making trouble for us, shooting at the boys, by improving every chance they could get. When the opportunity came, our boys [...]

“We go on the skirmish line every fourth day, but with ordinary care there is little danger.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

August 24, 1864. The Johnnies in our front are either tired out or short of ammunition or inclination, or else, like the quiet swine, “studying devilment.” Certain it is, that they shoot but little lately. Five Rebel batteries which have thrown shell into our division line did not on the 20th or 21st fire a [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 24th. Routed out before daylight. Our brigade ordered outside the intrenchments to charge and drive the enemy out of the woods, also to burn a number of haystacks behind which the enemy kept reserves. As we started on the charge they fell back to their main line at Charlestown. The sharpshooters came out of [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 23d. Sun shining bright this morning. Skirmishing firing began at daylight. A number of the enemy’s sharpshooters are up in high trees. They annoy us very much. Not safe to show one’s head above the rifle pits. Saw General Sheridan pass quickly along the line, just as a shell dropped inside our intrenchments. No [...]