30th. Marched at 12:30. Received letter from Mrs. T. Wood. Camped at Berryville.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 30, 2024 0 comments
30th. Marched at 12:30. Received letter from Mrs. T. Wood. Camped at Berryville.
Tuesday, 30th–It is warm and sultry. There are not so many sick and wounded coming in as there were a few days ago. Quite a number, at their own request, are being sent out to the front. When the convalescents are able for duty, they can’t stand it to remain here; the first thought is [...]
August 30th. This fine morning finds us in the woods. We need this rest and sleep that we are having at this time. This is fine timber land. Great large trees, mostly white oak and black walnut. We are enjoying this very quiet time. Very thankful for it.
AMP NEAR BUNKER HILL, VA., Aug. 30, 1864. Dear Mother: I take this occasion to drop you a few lines, as you will be more likely to get it if I send it by Capt. Thompson than by mail. I got with the regiment last Saturday at Bunker Hill, as they fell back from Charlestown. [...]
AUGUST 30th.—Bright and pleasant. Gen. Hood telegraphs Gen Bragg that the enemy has shifted his line somewhat, drawing back his left and extending his right wing. Also that dispatches from Wheeler (August 19th) informs him that Dalton was captured, as stated, with 200 prisoners, 200 mules, a large amount of stores; several train supplies destroyed, [...]
August, Tuesday 30, 1864 Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Johnson went to Columbus this morning, Col. Young also. Lou, Mary L. and I had quite a nice time although alone. The Miss’s Burt called. Mr. Clapp came out with Col. Young on his way to Holly Springs. We all had a short bath this eve, as [...]