29th. Up early but did not march. Considerable firing in direction of Smithfield. No reports. Good news in papers.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 29, 2024 0 comments
29th. Up early but did not march. Considerable firing in direction of Smithfield. No reports. Good news in papers.
Monday, 29th.—Yanks have all left our front. The general opinion is that they are retreating, but if so, why are we not following them? (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Monday, 29th–News came that General Grant had an engagement with the rebels on the Danville railroad near Petersburg, Virginia. The loss was heavy on both sides, but Grant succeeded in holding his place. The fight took place on the 21st of the month.
August 29, 1864. I would much like to know what the Chicago Convention is doing to-day. We hear there is a possibility they may nominate Sherman. How we wish they would. He would hardly accept the nomination from such a party, but I would cheerfully live under Copperhead rule if they would give us such [...]
August 29th. Called up very early this morning after a quiet night. We are about four miles south of Charlestown. Heavy cannonading in the direction of Winchester, which lies about ten miles southwest of Charlestown. All is quiet with us as we rest and sleep. Rations are good and plenty. Consist of hardtack, pork, coffee, [...]
AUGUST 29th.—Bright and pleasant morning; another fine shower last night. No important intelligence from the armies.
August, Monday 29, 1864 The day passed as usual—Waverly is always pleasant to me. Spent the day in Kniting , backgammon, sleeping &c. We had a delightful time in the Pond, have not succeeded in swiming across yet. Good news from Va. today—Lee has had a great Victory, capturing 2,000 Yanks, killing and wounding large [...]
August 29th.–I take my hospital duty in the morning. Most persons prefer afternoon, but I dislike to give up my pleasant evenings. So I get up at five o’clock and go down in my carriage all laden with provisions. Mrs. Fisher and old Mr. Bryan generally go with me. Provisions are commonly sent by people [...]