28th. Sunday. Reveille at 2 A. M. Breakfasted and were on the road at daylight. Our Brig. in advance. Passed through S. Rebels in retreat. Overtook the infantry on Jamestown road. Camped at C.
Sunday, 28th–No news. All things quiet. Rome, Georgia.
August 28th. Left Halltown and the earthworks very early this morning, following on after the rebel hordes who are under the command of General Jubal Early. We are pleased to be under the command of the Gallant Phil Sheridan. There will come a time when he will grab Early by the neck, we believe. Came [...]
AUGUST 28th.—A bright, pleasant day. No news. Walked, as usual, to the department to see if any important letters had come, and then hastened back that the family might go to church in time. Oh what a lovely day in such an unlovely time! The recent rains have washed the dust from the still dark-green [...]