26th. Moved out at daylight. Overtook the command before it reached Boonsboro. Called on Bayard and Babcock. Was up on Maryland Heights day before yesterday. Camped at Boonsboro.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 26, 2024 0 comments
26th. Moved out at daylight. Overtook the command before it reached Boonsboro. Called on Bayard and Babcock. Was up on Maryland Heights day before yesterday. Camped at Boonsboro.
Friday, 26th–A large number of the boys are going home on furloughs. Their papers came in from the front today, signed up, and the boys are to start home tomorrow. Thomas R. McConnoll and John Zitler of our company are among them. I am sending $25.00 home to father by John Zitler. That makes a [...]
August 26th. This morning finds us still in line at Halltown. A large force of skirmishers ordered outside the rifle pits. Must charge on the enemy, drive them back. The enemy in strong force, well posted. The skirmish was hot while it lasted. A number of our boys were wounded, carried inside our lines. Late [...]
AUGUST 26th.—Clear; but rained copiously last night. A letter from Gen. Lee indicates that the “Bureau of Conscription” fails to replenish the army. The rich men and slaveowners are but too successful in getting out, and in keeping out of the service. The Governor, who commissions magistrates, is exempting some fifty daily, and these, in [...]
August, Friday 26, 1864 I had a regular seige today with Mrs. Reynolds hat, and did not finish it. Mrs. Johnson and I both failed to make a brim, I retreated to my room in disgust, the other girls were all enjoying a nice nap. We all went to bath, Mary Lou and I improved [...]