25th. Intended to join the regiment, but heard that it had gone out early on a reconnoissance. Eggleston remained with me. Maj. N. came up after dark tired out. Train pulled out in night and Div. crossed the river.
Thursday, 25th–There are now from five thousand to six thousand sick and wounded here, and still more are coming. Though some of the sick are gaining slowly, yet there are from five to six deaths daily; there have been as many as eight deaths in a day, and not less than three a day for [...]
August 25th. Last night, under cover of darkness, a detail was made, about twenty men, ordered to advance and intrench, to try and dislodge the enemy’s sharpshooters who were up in high trees and making trouble for us, shooting at the boys, by improving every chance they could get. When the opportunity came, our boys [...]
AUGUST 25th.—Clear and warm. No war news, except reports that Gen. Wheeler has destroyed much of the railroad in Sherman’s rear, and that Early has forced Sheridan back across the Potomac. Gen. Lee writes that he already notices the good effect of the order published by our government, encouraging desertions from the enemy’s armies. He [...]
August, Thursday 25, 1864 After my failure to remodel Lou’s hat on yesterday, Mrs. Johnson kindly offered to assist me, so she spent the morning making the crown. I then took it, finished puting it together, and trimed it, after finishing it looked quite nice—and Lou did not make so much sport over her milliner’s [...]