24th. Wednesday. A beautiful day, a little hazy. Forage issued. Boys sent to Frederick to look up brigade train. Fears of its capture. Train arrived. Boys came down to shoe horses.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 24, 2024 0 comments
24th. Wednesday. A beautiful day, a little hazy. Forage issued. Boys sent to Frederick to look up brigade train. Fears of its capture. Train arrived. Boys came down to shoe horses.
Wednesday, 24th–William Snow died in our ward last night. This is a dreadfully hot day, and since our ward is so crowded, we make this a special scrub-day, to cool the atmosphere as well as to keep the place clean.
August 24, 1864. The Johnnies in our front are either tired out or short of ammunition or inclination, or else, like the quiet swine, “studying devilment.” Certain it is, that they shoot but little lately. Five Rebel batteries which have thrown shell into our division line did not on the 20th or 21st fire a [...]
August 24th. Routed out before daylight. Our brigade ordered outside the intrenchments to charge and drive the enemy out of the woods, also to burn a number of haystacks behind which the enemy kept reserves. As we started on the charge they fell back to their main line at Charlestown. The sharpshooters came out of [...]
August 23d. Sun shining bright this morning. Skirmishing firing began at daylight. A number of the enemy’s sharpshooters are up in high trees. They annoy us very much. Not safe to show one’s head above the rifle pits. Saw General Sheridan pass quickly along the line, just as a shell dropped inside our intrenchments. No [...]
AUGUST 24th.—Clear and pleasant. Operations now must be initiated by the enemy. Gen. Lee writes that he is too weak to attempt to dislodge the Yankees from the Weldon Railroad. He cannot afford the loss of men necessary to accomplish it. He says the enemy, however, was “worsted” in the two conflicts, that of Friday [...]