20th. Saturday. Spent the day quietly in camp. A little skirmishing between pickets. Rebels reported moving on Martinsburg. Some talk about officers in regt. Rained.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 20, 2024 0 comments
20th. Saturday. Spent the day quietly in camp. A little skirmishing between pickets. Rebels reported moving on Martinsburg. Some talk about officers in regt. Rained.
20th.—A friend from the Valley has described a successful attack made by Mosby on a Federal wagon-train near Berryville. It was on its way to the army near Strasburg, and Mosby was on the other side of the Shenandoah. He crossed in the night with one cannon and about seventy-five men, and at daylight surprised [...]
Saturday, 20th–This is general scrub day. We had a busy day in the hospital fitting out cots for the latest arrivals. Our ward is crowded to the limit, there being more sick and wounded here now than at any previous time. Our hospital number 4 contains only the sick. All is quiet. No news from [...]
August 20, 1864. During the last few days cavalry has been operating on the right against the enemy’s communications. We have been making demonstrations, as they call it, or diversions in favor of the cavalries; that is, one, two or three times a day we raise a yell along our corps line, and open on [...]
August 20th. No rain this morning, very cloudy. Keeping quiet in the woods. Late this afternoon, marching orders. Marching on towards Charlestown. The enemy must be near. Halt near the town on the Berryville Pike. Reported we remain here for the night. Very cloudy. Nothing important has taken place. All is quiet.
The Christian and Sanitary Commissions. August 20. I have read a great deal in the papers of the Christian and Sanitary commissions, of the noble and humane work they were doing and the immense amount of money contributed for their support by the people throughout the north and west. I have taken a great [...]
AUGUST 20th.—Rained hard all night, and a good deal to-day. Between 10 and 11 P.M. last evening, as we were retiring, a musket was fired somewhere in the rear of the building, and fragments of lime and brick were heard rattling against the window-shutters. This morning I perceived where the ball struck, a few inches [...]