Sunday, August 11, 2024

Diary of a Southern Refugee, Judith White McGuire.


August 11.—Sheridan’s and Early’s troops are fighting in the Valley. We suffered a disaster near Martinsburg, and our troops fell back to Strasburg; had a fight on the old battle-ground at Kernstown, and we drove the enemy through Winchester to Martinsburg, which our troops took possession of. Poor Winchester, how checkered its history throughout the [...]

Diary of a Southern Refugee During the War by Judith White McGuire


Charles Lynch

August 11th. Early on the march. A hot dry morning. Passed on through Berryville, pushing south through open lots and woods. Skirmishing on the extreme right, at Stony Point. A hot, hard, day’s march. Suffered very much for water. After marching about twenty miles, late tonight came to a halt near a large spring. Many [...]

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.