10th. Wednesday. Had charge of the dock and disembarking of troops at the wharf. Rode to town near evening.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 10, 2024 0 comments
10th. Wednesday. Had charge of the dock and disembarking of troops at the wharf. Rode to town near evening.
Wednesday, 10th–No news from the front. The sick in my ward are all getting along well, with the exception of two men who are suffering severely with inflammatory rheumatism. Some of the men are returning to the front, while others are going home on furloughs.
August 10, 1864. Our “color” that has floated over the 103d for nearly two years has become much worn and torn. One shell and bullets innumerable have passed through it. It is entitled to be inscribed with the following battles: Vicksburg, Black River, Jackson, Miss., Mission Ridge, Dalton, Resaca, Dallas, New Hope, Big Shanty, Kenesaw [...]
August 10th. A hot morning. Marching orders came early, to be ready to march at the report of a signal gun. It will be our first movement under the command of General Sheridan. The advance is in three grand divisions, the 19th Corps on the right, the 6th center, the 8th on the left along [...]
August, Wednesday 10, 1864 Still no decisive news from any point except the Surrender of Fort Gaines, this is a heavy blow, yet Morgan still stands to dispute their quiet entrance into the Bay. I am still as hopeful as can of Mobile, they are now 30 miles below in the Bay, with every obstruction [...]
AUGUST 10th.—Hot and dry until 4 P.M. Gust, and 15 minutes’ rain. Good for turnips. Forts Gaines and Powell are lost—the latter blown up. Gen. Maury telegraphs for infantry, has some 4000 men for the defense of mobile, etc. Our raiders, under McCausland and Bradley Johnson, it is said were surprised and defeated last Sunday, [...]
August 10th.–To-day General Chesnut and his staff departed. His troops are ordered to look after the mountain passes beyond Greenville on the North Carolina and Tennessee quarter. Misery upon misery. Mobile[1] is going as New Orleans went. Those Western men have not held their towns as we held and hold Charleston, or as the Virginians [...]