9th. Tuesday. Thede sold his horse. Went over to town and procured some clothing.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 9, 2024 0 comments
9th. Tuesday. Thede sold his horse. Went over to town and procured some clothing.
Tuesday, 9th–A train loaded with wounded came in last night from Marietta, Georgia, and they were sent out to the field hospital east of town.
August 9th. Pleasant morning. Camp near the river. Just at this time we are taking life easy. The boys wade the river, taking long tramps through the lots, up the mountain sides. Don’t seem to have any fear of the guerillas who are said to be in the mountains. Perhaps they don’t wish to make [...]
AUGUST 9th.—Very hot; very dry; very dusty. The President has directed the late Gen. (now Lieut. -Col.) Pemberton to organize a mortar and cavalry force to dislodge the enemy from Deep Bottom, on this side of the river, and to select three or four batteries to render the navigation of the James River difficult and [...]