4th. Thursday. Letters received from Mr. Charles Wood and Mrs. Beers. Regt. relieved in the night.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 4, 2024 0 comments
4th. Thursday. Letters received from Mr. Charles Wood and Mrs. Beers. Regt. relieved in the night.
Thursday, 4th–It is warm and sultry. There is no news from the front. I am still serving the medicine to the sick.
August 4th. Fine morning. Had an early swim in the good clean waters of the Monocacy River. Later hunted up some bait, sat under a large tree to try my luck at fishing. Always keep a hook and line by me. Had very good luck. Dressed the fish at the river, went back to the [...]
AUGUST 4th.—Clear and hot. All quiet at Petersburg. President Lincoln was at Fortress Monroe on Sunday last, after the explosion and its failure. The Northern papers acknowledge that Grant sustained a terrible disaster at Petersburg, losing in killed, wounded, and missing 5000. They say the negro troops caused the failure, by running back and breaking [...]