2nd. Finished a letter to Sarah. My eyes are so weak that I can use them but very little.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 2, 2024 0 comments
2nd. Finished a letter to Sarah. My eyes are so weak that I can use them but very little.
Tuesday, 2d–We had a refreshing rain last night. Governor Stone of Iowa arrived at the hospital this morning, having come from the front, with an order from General Sherman granting a thirty-day furlough to the sick and wounded from the Iowa regiments here in the hospital. Those able for duty are to be sent to [...]
August 2d. A fine morning. All is quiet in camp. Found a place where I could wash my clothes and dry them. Drew rations. Am feeling fine. A hot sun and dusty roads to march over, a fellow cannot keep very clean. Having a good rest in the good cool woods. We cannot help to [...]
AUGUST 2d.—Bright and hot. At 4 P.M. a cloud rising. Fear my wife, and daughter Fannie, and Custis (who has a days’ furlough), who went this morning per Fredericksburg Railroad into HanoverCounty to gather blackberries, will be caught in a rain. Nevertheless, the rain is wanted. Assistant Secretary Campbell is again “allowing” doubtful characters to [...]
August 2, 1864. Just as I got out of bed this morning Aunt Julia [a slave] called me to look down the road and see the soldiers. I peeped through the blinds, and there they were, sure enough, the Yankees—the blue coats! I was not dressed. The servant women came running in. “Mistress, they are [...]
August 2d.–Sherman again. Artillery parked and a line of battle formed before Atlanta. When we asked Brewster what Sam meant to do at Atlanta he answered, “Oh–oh, like the man who went, he says he means to stay there!” Hope he may, that’s all. Spent to-day with Mrs. McCord at her hospital. She is dedicating [...]