August 1st. Monday. Commenced a letter to Sarah. Wrote home. Regt. remained saddled some time in the morning in anticipation of an attack. Went on picket in evening.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
August 1, 2024 0 comments
August 1st. Monday. Commenced a letter to Sarah. Wrote home. Regt. remained saddled some time in the morning in anticipation of an attack. Went on picket in evening.
Tuesday, 30th.—There seems to be an opinion that Yankees are not falling back, but moving to our left. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
The following diary entry contains wording that is offensive to many in the world of today. However, the entry is provided unedited for its historical content and context. I Receive An Appointment. August 1. The ward next me on the left is a colored one, and contains from 60 to 80 men, according to recruits [...]
August 1, 1864. Since the glorious battle of the 28th, everything has been quiet in our immediate front, though the heavy artillery firing continues to the left. I think it is between the 14th and 20th Corps and some Rebel forts. Prisoners say that our shells have hurt the city very much. We all think [...]
Monday, 1st–Quite warm and sultry. There isn’t any news from the front. There is a force of about two thousand here under command of General Vandever, with an equal number of convalescents. The courthouse, located on the highest point of ground in Rome, is our citadel, strongly fortified with guns facing in all directions. The [...]
August 1st. Cloudy, muggy morning. After a good night’s rest, am feeling fine. Early on the march. After a march, about four miles, came to a halt on a road leading through woodland of very large trees. Later we camp in the woods, near the town of Wolfsville, Maryland. A report has reached us that [...]
August, Monday 1, 1864 [The following entry is in a different handwriting] My Dear Belle It has been such an “egrejus ” long time since I saw you last, that I’m quite at a loss how to commence the many long yarns I have in store for you, but as it’s utterly impossible for me [...]
AUGUST 1st.—Hot and clear; but it rained yesterday three-quarters of an hour in the afternoon. Our loss in the affair at Petersburg is about 800, the enemy’s 3500. We captured 2000 small arms. We have nothing yet from Atlanta, but no doubt there has been another battle. I hope no disaster has befallen us there. [...]