Saturday, 30th.—Pickets all round the front of city being pressed back; continual skirmishing all along the line. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
Robert M. McGill
July 30, 2024 0 comments
Saturday, 30th.—Pickets all round the front of city being pressed back; continual skirmishing all along the line. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
30th. Got a sightly position in front of the 18th Corps where all points of interest were in view. Lay till sunrise upon one of the leveled forts. a cannon ball visiting the vicinity frequently. Just at sunrise a cloud of dust and dirt rising suddenly into the air, followed by a distant rumble, gave [...]
July 30th. This morning opens up very hot. Having a rest. Trying to break in my new shoes. A bad job for the feet, which are very sore. Early this afternoon, marching orders received. Confederate cavalry reported to be raiding into Pennsylvania and upper Maryland. Ordered to make a forced march. Fearful hot as we [...]
July 30 Mr Grimball received a letter from William written from the 3d N.C. Hospital, Charlotte Street, Charleston, telling him he was there ill, & at the end of the letter said there was such a buzzing in his head from Quinine he could hardly write, he had received the stockings sent down, & had [...]
JULY 30th.—Clear and hot. Dispatches from Bragg, at Montgomery, .of yesterday, give no accounts of more fighting, although the press dispatches, etc. did mention four of our generals who have been wounded. There is a revival of murmurs against the President. He will persist in keeping Bragg in command, that is “of the armies in [...]
July, Saturday 30, 1864 Bro. and Eddie were undecided for some time this morning whether or not I should return to Columbus. Eddie at last consented to bring me in. We had a warm, disagreeable ride, found Therese at home and glad to see me. Eddie came round after dinner, and sat with Therese and [...]
Saturday, 30th–It is quite warm and sultry. We have a man in our ward who is very homesick; he sits on his cot and cries like a child. He has been promised a furlough, and I believe that if he could not get it he would die. All the wounded here able to take care [...]