23rd. Saturday. Nettleton went to the Point yesterday so he did not go down this evening for John.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 23, 2024 0 comments
23rd. Saturday. Nettleton went to the Point yesterday so he did not go down this evening for John.
July 23d. Routed out early this morning. Picket firing has commenced. Our boys are driving the enemy. We advance in line of battle for quite a distance through the open lots, coming to a halt at Kearnstown, going right at work digging rifle pits and throwing up earthworks. Our regiment ordered out on the skirmish [...]
July 23, 1864. The fight came off the 22d, and a glorious one it was for us. Lieutenant Blair of our regiment was killed, also Charles Buck, of Company F, and John Smith of my company. There were seven wounded only. Our brigade gets credit for 400 prisoners. They took us in rear and every [...]
JULY 23d.—Clear, but a smoky atmosphere, like Indian summer. A dispatch was received to-day at M. from Gen. Hood, dated last night at 10 o’clock, stating that Gen. Hardee had made a night march, driving the enemy from his works, and capturing 16 guns and several colors, while Gen. Cheatham captured 6 guns. We took [...]
July 23, 1864. I have been left in my home all day with no one but Sadai. Have seen nothing of the raiders, though this morning they burned the buildings around the depot at the Circle [Social Circle, a near-by town]. I have sat here in the porch nearly all day, and hailed every one [...]
July, Saturday 23, 1864 I was never so sleepy as when awakened this morning, after breakfast got my sock and knot all morning. Maj. Rambeaut and Mr. Pugh came up in Tate’s room and sat. Cousin Frazor came for a while. The news this morning is glorious, Hood has attacked Sherman, and driven his force [...]
Saturday, 23d–All is quiet. No news from the front. A great many sick and wounded are coming in from the front. Deaths occur here at the hospital every day.