21st. 2nd N. Y. and 1st Conn. came out early and relieved us. Beat Col. P. a game of chess. Camped in the woods near our old camp. We have a nice place.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 21, 2024 0 comments
21st. 2nd N. Y. and 1st Conn. came out early and relieved us. Beat Col. P. a game of chess. Camped in the woods near our old camp. We have a nice place.
July 21st. The sun came up this morning bright and warm. The morning finds us in the same woods where we passed the night. A foraging party, sent out last night from our regiment, returned with flour, bacon, hams. The officers appropriated the best sugar-cured hams. Late in the night the hams were taken from [...]
JULY 21st.—Clear and warm. Bought fifty cabbage-plants and set them out before breakfast. Gen. Early met Gen. Hunter at Snicker’s Gap, and whipped him. All quiet at Petersburg. Grant must be dead, sure enough. Gen. Bragg left the city some days ago. The following is a verbatim dispatch received from him yesterday: “MONTGOMERY,ALA., July 19th, [...]
July Thursday 21, 1864 Still my happiness continues, I do dearly love Miss Lou and Mrs. Reynolds both. Mrs. Hamilton, their Sister, invited us to Tea, we accepted, spent the day so happy—all retired after dinner for a rest, got up early, prepared for the pond. Mrs. Reynolds and Hal did not go in, it [...]
Thursday, 21st–The same thing over and over, again and again.[1] All the available rooms in town have now been turned into hospital wards. We have single, iron cots with good mattresses, and the sheets and pillows are kept nice and clean. [1] On this day the Iowa Brigade made a charge on Bald Hill, in [...]