Thursday, July 18, 2024


Charles Lynch

July 18th. Up and early on the march this fine morning. Pushing on to the south in the direction of Snicker’s Gap, Blue Ridge Mountains, eighteen miles south of Harper’s Ferry. We cannot tell what an hour may bring forth. As we approach Snicker’s Gap we came to a halt. Here we meet a part [...]

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

“It is evident to me that the Army of the Tennessee is doing the “flanking them out” this time.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.


Near Stone Mountain, July 18, 1864. Osterhaus (or his division, for I hear that he resigned and yesterday started for the North, en route for Mexico, where he formerly resided, and that he intends entering the Mexican Army to fight “Johnny Crapeau”) was ahead to-day, and only lost a dozen or 50 men. Our brigade [...]

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)