17th. Spent the day very quietly in camp, over Independents and other papers. Wrote home and to Lucy Randall Campbell.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 17, 2024 0 comments
17th. Spent the day very quietly in camp, over Independents and other papers. Wrote home and to Lucy Randall Campbell.
July 17th. Sunday morning. Late last night we were ordered to march. Estimated we marched about five miles, when we came to a halt in a wooded field. Fine large trees. During the night we heard the rattling of the wheels of artillery and wagons, being driven very rapid, going south. This morning report reached [...]
July, Sunday 17, 1864 All ready for breakfast, one of the warmest mornings we have had. Therese came over after breakfast to see if some of us would not go to Artesia on the train, to assist in attending to the wounded Soldiers. I fixed up my baskett , went by for Therese & her [...]
June 17, 1864. After erecting some good works at Roswell (the best we have yet built), capable of holding at least 25,000 men, we were provided with three days’ rations and cartridges “ad libitum,” for another of what an Augusta paper calls “Sherman leap-frog-like advance.” Our corps is the extreme left of the army. We [...]
JULY 17th.—Dry—the sky bright and brassy—the gardens almost ruined. Last evening definite news came in the Washington Chronicle of the 14th. Gen. Early was recrossing the Potomac with an immense amount of stores levied in the enemy’s country, including thousands of horses, etc. This, the Chronicle thinks, will be beneficial to the United States, as [...]
Sunday, 17th–The same as ever. Am still in the hospital, but getting some better, and I am very thankful, for it is very disagreeable to lie sick in a field hospital. We have soldiers for nurses, and though they are convalescents, yet they are strong enough to care for the sick and wounded. They are [...]