16th. Rode to City Point with John. Visited the hospitals of 5th Corps with him. Good time. Enjoyed it much. Saw Hamilton. Surg. N. Y. Regt. Eyes quite sore.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 16, 2024 0 comments
16th. Rode to City Point with John. Visited the hospitals of 5th Corps with him. Good time. Enjoyed it much. Saw Hamilton. Surg. N. Y. Regt. Eyes quite sore.
July 16th. Yesterday we had a long tedious march, putting in a hard day. Last night we were glad to drop on the ground for rest and sleep. This is a hot morning out here in the open fields. Our cavalry boys brought in a captured rebel wagon train. The rebel teamsters were driving as [...]
July 16, 1864, 76th of the Campaign. I can hear no firing to-day, but we are so far from the right or center that we could hear nothing less than a 13-inch mortar. I will tell you all I know of the situation just to let you know how little a soldier knows of what [...]
JUNE 16th.—Bright and cool—the canopy assuming a brassy aspect from the drought. Alack! all the rejoicings are checked, and the public seems to have been hoaxed by the officer who reported that a Washington paper of the 13th inst. contained an account of the surrender of Baltimore to the Confederate States forces! The paper of [...]
July, Saturday 16, 1864 Today Hal, Tate and myself set apart for returning our visits. Capt. Dashiell kindly sent his Rockaway. Therese and Miss Helen Goff came to see us, we started calling just at 11 o’clock—to see Mrs. Forrest first, she had just received a Dispatch from the Gen. he was slightly wounded in [...]
Washington July 16th 1864 Very little has been heard of the rebels in this vicinity for the last three or four days. They seem to have departed with their plunder (some eight thousand horses and two or three thousand head of cattle). No information has as yet been published that we have succeeded in recapturing [...]
Saturday, 16th–The weather is pleasant. There is nothing of any importance.