15th. Extra men moved near Hdqrs. John came down and remained over night. Splendid time. Brought stores for Regt.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 15, 2024 0 comments
15th. Extra men moved near Hdqrs. John came down and remained over night. Splendid time. Brought stores for Regt.
July 15, 1864. This is a glorious place. The current in the river is very swift, and it is the nicest stream to bathe in imaginable. I’ve a mind to stay here and have my meals brought to me. Expect we will catch some nice fish after they get over being scared at having so [...]
JULY 15th.—Clear and cool; subsequently cloudy. The Washington Chronicle of the 12th, received yesterday, indicates that Washington or Baltimore, or both, were in danger of falling into our possession. Lieut.-Col. G. W. Lay said, this morning, in my office, that Grant would not leave—that he held a most important position—that he would not fail in [...]
July 15th. Came off picket very early. A fine morning. The army again on the march. Our regiment in the rear, waiting for orders. Passed through Knoxville, pushing on to Berlin, Maryland. Coming to a halt discovered the advance wading the Potomac River, over into Virginia, the Loudon Valley country. At this point there was [...]
July, Friday 15, 1864 Our dispatches from the front are very encouraging—Forrest is fighting the Enemy near Tupelo – nothing decisive, but we have repulsed them in every attempt to fight us. God grant our Army may be crowned with glory and success—protect my dear Bro. and friends from all danger. The news from Virginia [...]
Friday, 15th–There is nothing new. We have very poor food here in the hospital, but we have good water. Rome was selected for our field hospital because of the good water and because it was on high, rolling ground, thus affording drainage. There are very few citizens living in Rome, they having gone before our [...]