14th. Papers of the 13th. Grand panic in Baltimore and Washington.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 14, 2024 0 comments
14th. Papers of the 13th. Grand panic in Baltimore and Washington.
July 14th. We have to turn out at daylight. Soon after rations, again in line and marching. We are getting very ragged. Many are barefooted. Clothes will wear out in this rough life. Pushing along. Marched over Bolivar Heights, down through Harper’s Ferry, over the Potomac River on the railroad bridge, into Maryland, taking the [...]
July 14, 1864. Another hot day. We marched down to the river at Roswell and crossed it, and have gone into camp on the bank a mile above town. This Roswell is a beautiful little town, such splendid trees all through it. Our cavalry four or five days ago destroyed some very large factories here. [...]
JULY 14th.—The drought continues here; but at some other places there has fallen heavy rain. The excitement on the news of our successes in Maryland is intense, and a belief prevails that great results will grow out of this invasion of the country held by the enemy. Twice before but little if any benefit resulted [...]
July, Thursday 14, 1864 Hal, Therese and I got up very early and started for the Country, after running around, first on one road then another, we finally arrived at Waverly, just 7 miles above Columbus, although we had traveled ten or twelve miles. We crossed the Tombigbee, rode up to Mr. Young’s, where he [...]
July 13—Pass Rockville and Poolville. July 14—Cross Potomac. As I came near the river a straggling soldier shouted to me and asked me to let him ride the horse I was leading. I told him the horse’s back was so sore I could not myself ride him. In a sharp angry tone he replied, “Yes, [...]
Thursday, 14th–I am with a large number of sick in a ward over a vacant store building. For the last four days I have had the camp diarrhea, and have become so weak that I have to lie on my cot all the time.[1] But we have a good doctor in this ward. [1] Mr. [...]