13th. Wrote home and to Hugh Beer’s wife. More clothing.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 13, 2024 0 comments
13th. Wrote home and to Hugh Beer’s wife. More clothing.
July 13th. Routed out by daylight. After rations, while waiting, wrote a few letters. The mail was most generally looked after by the Chaplain. Marching orders, “Fall in,” came the command, line soon formed. Down through the town we go, out on the Harper’s Ferry Pike. Weather fine. Soon take the route step, an easy [...]
July, Wednesday 13, 1864 Mr. Pugh came round early this morning, we made arrangements to start for Nannie in the morning. Therese was to go with me. Capt. Tom Dashiell was to furnish the Ambulance—our trip had fully matured in preperations—but Tate gave up the idea, so our trip has fallen through. Capt. Dashiell came [...]
July 13, 1864. We passed through Marietta this morning at 9; rested in a cool, nice, woody place from 11 to 2, and made this place in the cool of the evening. We marched about 14 miles today. I would rather be in a fight than endure such a day’s march, and I think fighting [...]
JULY 13th.—Bright and pleasant. The city is in great excitement and joy. Gen. Early has gained a victory in Maryland, near Frederick, defeating Gen. Wallace, capturing Gen. Tyler and Col. Seward (son of the Secretary), besides many prisoners. The slaughter was great, and the pursuit of the routed army was toward Baltimore. Grant is certainly [...]
Washington July 13th 1864 Another day and the reports and the general belief is tonight That the rebels have left or are leaving Maryland and crossing the River back into Virginia. Efforts are being made to intercept them which may prove partialy successful. They have undoubtedly a large amount of plunder, Cattle, Horses, &c. I [...]
Wednesday, 13th–There are a great many sick and wounded at this place. All of the vacant store buildings are filled with the sick, while the wounded are cared for in tents east of town. Nothing of any importance.