6th. Passed the day quietly in camp. Spencer here today. Very warm. In a shady place. Nice bower and shade trees in afternoon.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 6, 2024 0 comments
6th. Passed the day quietly in camp. Spencer here today. Very warm. In a shady place. Nice bower and shade trees in afternoon.
July 6th. A very pleasant morning. A good night’s rest. The boat pushed along all night. Must be getting near our journey’s end, or destination, Parkersburg. Soon after noon the boat grounded and held fast. We were again obliged to wade ashore, on the Ohio side. Later it was decided, we give up the boat [...]
Wednesday, 6th–There is still skirmishing on the lines and some cannonading going on, but there is no general advance along the lines, except on the extreme left.
July 6, 1864. I went down to our front this evening. Our advanced artillery is yet some 1,200 yards from the Rebels, but there is nothing but an open field between, and it looks quite close. The Johnnies have thrown up a nice fort, embrasured for nine guns. They have not fired a shot to-day. [...]
JULY 6th.—Hot and dry. We have no news to-day, but there are rumors that Grant is preparing to abandon his position. He cannot remain where he is, inactive. There is a scarcity of water, and the location is unhealthy. We had corn bread and gravy for dinner, with a tremendous dessert, the suggestion of Custis, [...]
July, Wednesday 6, 1864 Oh! I never was as sleepy in my life as this morning. Hal and Miss Clara ready for breakfast, I was not—went in after the rest had finished and got a Cup of Coffee. We all seemed dull and lazy this morning. John came in the Ambulance for Bro. George and [...]
Columbia, S C, July 6, 1864.–At the Prestons’ Mary was laughing at Mrs. Lyons’s complaint–the person from whom we rented rooms in Richmond. She spoke of Molly and Lawrence’s deceitfulness. They went about the house quiet as mice, while we were at home; or Lawrence sat at the door and sprang to his feet whenever [...]