5th. Marsh came down and stayed to dinner. Moved camp a mile. A very hot day indeed. Good visit with Marsh. Better camp.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 5, 2024 0 comments
5th. Marsh came down and stayed to dinner. Moved camp a mile. A very hot day indeed. Good visit with Marsh. Better camp.
July 5th. At daylight this morning the boat got under way, pushing on up the great Ohio. Passed the towns, Middlesport, Pomeroy, Syracuse, on the Ohio side, and Hartford, West Virginia. The farther up the river we go, have more trouble with low water. Sand bars are many. Again obliged to wade ashore. Later, go [...]
July 5, 1864. Can hear no firing this p.m. It seems the Rebels have got across the Chattahoochie. We are about 12 miles from Atlanta. The river will probably trouble us some, but we all think “Pap” will make it before August 1st. Johnston don’t dare give us anything like a fair fight. We are [...]
JULY 5th.—Cool and dry, everything suffering for rain. All quiet about Petersburg, but later in the day a rumor sprung up that fighting had recommenced there. I doubt it, because by Northern accounts I see Gen. Early is destroying railroads beyond the Potomac, and will undoubtedly threaten Washington itself. If Grant fails to send troops [...]
July, Tuesday 5, 1864 Jake Anderson & Ebb Titus came by this morning—Col. Polk came out in Gen. Forrest’s Ambulance for us to go in and spend the day with Maj. Leverson & Maj. Rambeaut. We had a delightful day, the Miss Skurlarks and Miss Bills, of Jackson, Tenn. were there, we played Cards, talked, [...]
Tuesday, 5th–Our men are still advancing. The Eleventh Iowa made a charge on the rebels’ left, on Nick-a-Jack creek, and took one line of rifle pits. We lost a few in killed and wounded. William Cross of Company E was killed by a piece of shell from the rebels’ batteries; he had returned from the [...]