4th. Spent the day very quietly in camp. Have been great rumors as to today’s proceedings, but nothing has occurred as we hear.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.
July 4, 2024 0 comments
4th. Spent the day very quietly in camp. Have been great rumors as to today’s proceedings, but nothing has occurred as we hear.
July 4th. The day we celebrate. At dark last night the boat tied up at Charleston. Went ashore for a while. The town is located on a bluff, which we had to climb to reach it. As we saw it in the dark, it was a dirty looking place. Perhaps because it was a mining [...]
July 4, 1864. I count it the hardest Fourth I have seen in the service. About 8 a.m. we moved out, passed through Marietta, which is by far the prettiest town I have seen South (about the size of Canton), and continued south nearly all the way along our line of works. Marched about 11 [...]
JULY 4th.—Cloudy, but still hot and dry. From the clouds of dust seen rising between Petersburg and the James River, it is conjectured that Grant’s army is in motion. The Federal Congress has authorized the drafting of 200,000 more men, after 60 days’ fruitless attempt to raise volunteers. So it will be September before the [...]
July, Monday 4, 1864 Today is the Anniversary of the decleration of our forefather’s independence, one year ago was a sad one for the happiness of our Southern Confederacy,—Vicksburgh surrendered by Pemberton to Grant. Many changes and sad days since that event, but thanks to a just and merciful God our hopes are brighter than [...]
Washington Saturday July 9th 1864 A week ago I intended to be at home now but I cannot well leave the office at present as there is now something of a press of business with the Examining Board. More than that I would not like to leave the City while the Rebels are threatening it. [...]
July 4th 1864 (Monday) No organized Celebration of the Day has taken place here, but all seem to [have] celebrated more or less on their “own hook.” There were orations delivered by gentlemen residing here at some of the Hospitals and the inmates had extra fare &c. I met Capt Sebastian Holmes of Lyons in [...]
Monday, 4th–Our corps is still moving forward, and it is now along Nick-a-Jack creek. We learned here in the hospital that the corps lost several men killed and wounded in the skirmish fights yesterday. This has been a hard day for me, as I have to lie in the open without any shelter over me, [...]