June 2024

“We received orders yesterday p.m. to be ready to move at dark, and were all glad enough.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

Front of Kenesaw Mountain, June 26, 1864. Nothing worth mentioning has occurred since my last. The usual amount of artillery and musketry have kept us sure of the enemy’s still holding his position. I have sent you, piecemeal, a journal of every day since May 1st, excepting the last four days, which were stupid. It [...]

No late news from any point.

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

June, Sunday 26, 1864 We had a late, and rather quiet breakfast, comparatively speaking, the little boys went to Sunday School and to our great joy and surprise Eddie and Jake Anderson arrived—came up to the Wedding, and knew nothing of its having taken place until after they came, both were greatly disapointed , and [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

June 26th. Lewisburg, West Virginia. Very early on the march. Nothing to eat except a cup of hot, black coffee, on a hot morning. Dragging ourselves along. Trying to keep up our courage. Our next stopping place will be Meadow Bluff, where we expect to find rations. After a slow, tiresome march over mountains, we [...]

…straggling soldiers, deserters, absentees, and parties grouped together under the name and guise of "independent scouts"…

Civil War Irregulars: Rangers, Scouts, Guerrillas, and Others, War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

General Orders, No.2 Hdqrs. Dept. of W. Va. and E. Tenn.1 Abingdon, Va., June 25, 1864 I. The brigadier-general commanding is informed of the disgraceful manner in which straggling soldiers, deserters, absentees, and parties grouped together under the name and guise of “independent scouts” have been depredating upon the private rights and property of peaceful [...]

Diary of Belle Edmondson

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

June, Saturday 25, 1864 The changes of life, how sad, oh! my heart how sad. A lively time until after breakfast, our little crowd began to scatter. Tate, Bro. Geo. Nannie, Mamie, Rob and Bet all left for Tupelo. Decatur and Jim left with them, Ebb started for Camp below Aberdeen. Maj. Crump and Helen [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

June 25th. After an all night’s march we stopped to rest at a place known as Dry Run, near the White Sulphur Springs. Another severe march over bad mountain roads. Up to this morning reported we marched eighteen miles. Passed many horses and mules down and out. Poor things must be shot. Must die for [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

24th. At 3 A. M. breakfasted. Column moved out on Meherrin road–our Regt. the rear guard. Reached the station at 4 P. M. On picket. Troops destroyed the track as they advanced. Road made of stringers and bar iron spiked on. Destruction almost complete. Disturbed but little on picket.

Diary of Belle Edmondson

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

June, Friday 24, 1864 A bright and lovely day, but one of the warmest I ever experienced. We were all up at 8 o’clock breakfast. Hal, Nannie and I roomed together, tried our fortunes, and did not go to bed until day was breaking, did not feel like I had nay sleep at all. Helen [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

June 24th. Did not have to hurry up this morning. After breakfast, orders were, we remain here for the day. I started out to find water where I could take a bath. While hunting for such a place I met Sergeant Samuel Lee, Co. A, who was on the same errand. Together we hunted for [...]


Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

June, Thursday 23, 1864 A bright and beautiful day for Helen’s bridal. The boys all left soon after breakfast. Hal came over with Decatur, went home to fix up her things to go to Aunt Mary’s. Nan and Helen went over before dinner, Mary, Hal, myself and Andrew and Willie went after dinner, Ebb driveing [...]

“Artillery commenced again half an hour since, and goes on slowly.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

June 23, 1864, 9 a.m. The Rebels opened furiously from the mountain last night about 12. Here they are firing at a division of the 14th who had advanced and were fortifying. No harm done. I failed to wake up. It is reported this morning that Ewell’s Corps has arrived to reinforce Johnston. Don’t think [...]