Monday, June 24, 2024

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


24th. At 3 A. M. breakfasted. Column moved out on Meherrin road–our Regt. the rear guard. Reached the station at 4 P. M. On picket. Troops destroyed the track as they advanced. Road made of stringers and bar iron spiked on. Destruction almost complete. Disturbed but little on picket.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

Diary of Belle Edmondson


June, Friday 24, 1864 A bright and lovely day, but one of the warmest I ever experienced. We were all up at 8 o’clock breakfast. Hal, Nannie and I roomed together, tried our fortunes, and did not go to bed until day was breaking, did not feel like I had nay sleep at all. Helen [...]

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson


Charles Lynch

June 24th. Did not have to hurry up this morning. After breakfast, orders were, we remain here for the day. I started out to find water where I could take a bath. While hunting for such a place I met Sergeant Samuel Lee, Co. A, who was on the same errand. Together we hunted for [...]

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.