Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Charles Lynch

June 18th. Not much sleep and rest for us last night. Pickets kept up a ceaseless firing, with an occasional shell dropping in our midst. Could also hear the trains running into town all night. Beating of drums, pounding and hammering, and much noise. Estimated our lines are formed within three miles of the town. [...]

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.


18th. At 4 A. M. moved out on Sussex C. H. road and camped 8 miles from Petersburg. In evening drew rations and forage. In P. M. awful connonading and musketry, the most terrific we have yet heard. Already last night we held all but the inner line of works. Captured 22 guns and many [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

Diary of Belle Edmondson


June, Saturday 18, 1864 Rather an eventful and pleasant day, we made preperations early for a visit to Mrs. Duke, but Bro. George is always slow, and did not go for the Ambulance until late. We were all very much surprised to see Lt. McConnell drive in it when it did arrive, we were delighted [...]

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

“…a shell bursting right under the nose of the general’s horse.”–Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills.


June 18, 1864. It rained steadily until 4 p.m. and had hardly ceased a minute when our guns opened and the skirmish lines joined issue. General Harrow and Colonel Wright rode out to the left some 200 yards from the regiment and narrowly escaped a trip over the river, a shell bursting right under the [...]

Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, Charles Wright Wills, (8th Illinois Infantry)

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.


Washington June 18th 1864 In looking back through the past ten days I can fix upon no very striking event that has taken place. Army operations of great importance have been undoubtedly going on, but no decisive Battles have been fought, if we except the victory of Genl Hunter in Western Virginia near Staunton. In [...]

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.