Sunday, 29th–It was 9 o’clock before we got started this morning and though the country here between two mountains is very rough, we covered fourteen miles and went into camp in the mountains for the first time. Large foraging parties were sent out this morning to secure meat. Our advance lines had a skirmish with [...]
May 29, 1864, 4 p.m. Have been in the rifle pits all day. We’re now expecting a charge from the Rebels, that is, our division commander is. I think they will lose an immense sight of men if they attempt it. News to-day of Davis moving his capital to Columbia, S. C, and of Grant [...]
May 29th. Left camp early this hot morning. Pushing up the valley. Passed through Woodstock. Very few people to be seen. They still inform us that they hate the Yankees. Hope we will all be captured and be sent to Richmond. Came to a halt at Mount Jackson. Line of battle formed. The advance are [...]
29th. Sunday. Reached the 3rd Div. C. C. little before midnight. 1st Brigade Col. McIntosh. Camped near Hanovertown on the Pamunkey. Crossed the Mattapony today and passed through Dunkirk. Like to remain with the Regt.
Washington May 29th 1864 We have had no direct information from the Army for the past four days until today that has been of much importance. Today it is said that Grant is on Lees right, East of the Richmond and Fredericksburg R Road and within twelve miles of Richmond. The communication is not kept [...]
MAY 29th.—Bright and quite cold. There was skirmishing yesterday evening on the Chickahominy. The armies are confronting each other, but Grant is moving gradually to the right of us, as if with an intention to reach the James River; but probably it is with the view of enveloping us with his superior numbers, and the [...]
May, Sunday 29, 1864 Today has been an eventful one in the dull pages of my life—Bettie awakened me, standing by the bed, with a hot cup of Coffee—which I enjoyed very much, after refreshing myself with a cold bath. Mr. Wilson came by, with late despatches, letters and papers—the latter containing news which paralyzed [...]