Saturday, 14th–The weather is quite warm and pleasant. A large fleet of transports arrived at Clifton this morning, loaded with troops and supplies, the wagons and teams of the Seventeenth Corps being on board. We also received a large mail. News came that General Grant had defeated the rebels in a two days’ battle before [...]
Saturday 14th.—Federals advanced; some pretty heavy fighting just to our left. We have very dangerous position, being near a short turn in our works. Minnie balls and shells come very freely on our left flank and rear. Lieutenant J. T. Brown shot through the knee by minnie ball from the rear. 5 P. M., Companies [...]
May 14th. Rain. Broke camp at 4 o’clock this morning. Again on the march, pushing up the valley. Heavy cannonading going on at a distance. By the sound, hot work must be going on at the front. Marching on, passed through the town of Edenburg. Go into camp about a mile from the town. Our [...]
14th.—The cavalry fight on the Chickahominy was very severe. The Yankees escaped on Thursday night; they should not have been allowed to get off. Our sad deficiency in numbers is always in our way. The death of another of our beloved E. H. S. boys has shocked us greatly—I mean that of Colonel Robert Randolph, [...]
14th. Sent forage to the Regt. Maj. Seward came with four companies from Belle Plains. Gave several some dinner. Maj. Seward remained with us, unable to ride further. Regt. near Todd’s Tavern. No news from the army. Report that it is swinging round to the left. Some fighting in Burnside’s Corps.
May 15 Mr Grimball sent Adam to Columbia to bring the box to us. We have now opened it and find 2 pieces of beautiful long cloth, 18 yds white cambric, 2 doz spools of white cotton, 1 do black, 6 papers pins, a large supply of needles put up in a glass bottle, 1 [...]
Washington May 14/64 We hear nothing but confirmatory news today of what we had yesterday. At last accounts the rebel Army was fleeing before the Union troops. It is said that their retreat has become a rout. We hear today from Sherman in Georgia. He has taken Dalton and some 5000 prisoners and a large [...]
MAY 14th.—Warm, with alternate sunshine and showers. With the dawn recommenced the heavy boom of cannon down the river. It was rumored this morning that our right wing at Drewry’s Bluff had been flanked, but no official information has been received of the progress of the fight. I saw a long line of ambulances going [...]
Every one looks as if he had passed through a hard spell of sickness, black and muddy as hogs. IN LINE OF BATTLE NEAR SPOTSYLVANIA COURT HOUSE, VA., May 14, 1864. My Dear Folks: Through the kind providence of the Almighty God I have come out so far safe and sound and am spared once [...]
May, Saturday 14, 1864 Miss Em and I slept until almost 12 o’clock—I finished Emie’s dress after getting up, Miss Em cut out her new Calico and run on the skirt. No Yankees today, neither have we seen a Confederate—Joanna and Anna Nelson went in this morning with the wagon to get supplies, as this [...]
May 14, 1864, Daylight. We have just been in line and the intention was to charge the Rebel position, but two batteries were discovered in front of us. The skirmishers advanced a little and brought down a heavy fire. A battery is now getting into position in our front, right in front of our company, [...]