20th. Received orders to turn in A Tents and draw shelter tents in readiness to go to Washington for outfit. Went to town late on bus. Drake received commission and Brown acceptance of resignation, good all around. Gave an oyster supper. Was not present.
April 20. – Grandfather dictated a letter to-night to a friend of his in New York. After I had finished he asked me if I had mended his gloves. I said no, but I would have them ready when he wanted them. Dear Grandfather! he looks so sick I fear he will never wear his [...]
April 20th. A very pleasant morning. Came off picket. After a good clean-up, obtained a pass permitting me to cross the Potomac River into Maryland, as I wished to visit and climb to the top of Maryland Heights, which I had done before. One gets a ?ne view of a tract of country which is [...]
Wednesday, 20th–I remained at Mr. Sparks’s over night and coming home this morning stopped at the postoffice. I got a letter from Thomas R. McConnoll, my bunk-mate and one of the non-veterans whom I left at Vicksburg. The non-veterans are all at Cairo now awaiting our return.
April, Wednesday 20, 1864 Tate and I arrived in Memphis quite early, put the horse up, then walked up street together, met Nannie and Anna Perkins. Nannie gave me two letters, one from St. Louis to Mrs. Welch, an exile in La Grange, Ga. one from New York from a stranger, asking assistance to through [...]
APRIL 20th.—A clear morning, but a cold, cloudy day. The following dispatch from Gen. Forrest shows that the bloody work has commenced in earnest : “DEMOPOLIS, ALA., April 19th. “To GEN. S. COOPER. ………..“The following dispatch has just been received from Gen. Forrest, dated Jackson, Tenn., April 15th. “L. POLK, Lieut.-General. ………..“I attacked Fort Pillow [...]