Tuesday, 22nd. Went with Thede over to Uncle Jones’. Stayed till after dinner. Visited with boys. Saw Will and Terrell play billiards. Introduced to Mrs. Case. Col. Purington asked me in to see his wife. In the evening officers presented Mrs. P. with a silver tea service. $3.00 per man. Wine, etc. Didn’t indulge. Saw [...]
Wednesday, 22.—Big snow. 36th and 56th fought snow battle. 36th had to retreat, being out numbered. 12 A. M., long roll beat in 39th; in short time long roll in 56th; both regiments formed at once, confronting each other, with colors flying; 39th advanced, 56th charged and drove 39th back about ten steps, when they [...]
Tuesday, 22d–We reached La Salle at 2 o’clock this afternoon and changed cars for Davenport, arriving at our destination at dark. I took lodging at the Davis House. The taverns are all crowded, because of so many soldiers coming home on their furloughs.
MARCH 22d.—Cloudy morning, with ice; subsequently a snowstorm all day long. No war news. But meat and grain are coming freely from the South. This gives rise to a rumor that Lee will fall back, and that the capital will be besieged; all without any foundation. A Mrs. _____ from Maryland, whose only son is [...]